Sabtu, Januari 17, 2009

Lyric Lagu "Candy - Sungguh Cinta"

Ini adalah salah satu lagu dari Patch Audition untuk bulan November '08,
Judulnya Sungguh Cinta, yang nyanyiin si Candy, lagunya enak banget!! Jadi aku putusin utk masukin lyric lagunya beserta link utk mp3 nya.
Bagi yang berminat bisa didownload langsung, thanx... ^(00)^
Sungguh Cinta
by Candy
[Diriku sungguh cinta
aha aha...
Aku benar benar cinta
aha aha...
Diriku sungguh cinta
aha aha...]
Telah kukatakan tapi kan kuulangi lagi
Sejak kita bertemu seakan duniaku bermulai
Diriku telah mulai cintamulah paling terindah,
yang Tuhan beri kepadaku jadi satu tak berakhir
Kusadari takkan terlupa dirimu dan perhatian
Betapa kusayang kau dan kucinta kau
Takkanku simpan perasaanku
Kuharap kau mengerti
Hu… uw u…

Teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lainJ
anji pada lautan
Kan kulakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada arti
Tantanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta

Uw… uh u… [nananana...]

Telah kukatakan tapi kan kuulangi lagi
Sejak kita bertemu seakan duniaku bermulai…
Kusadari takkan terlupa dirimu dan perhatian
Betapa kusayang kau, dan kucinta kau
Takkanku simpan perasaanku
Kuharap kau mengerti
Teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lain
Janji pada lautan
Kan kulakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada artiT
antanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta
Listen to this yow…
I share to this sky a bumping to the…[aaaaaa]
Promise to the ocean and the mountain with the human outside [oh yeah]
I can’t to say these… [hey hey...]
I can’t to say these…
Andai sekarang…
Kau tak yakin jua…
Kan ku bilang…
Semua kembali
Ku sungguh cinta…
Ku sungguh cinta…
Teriak pada langit
Selain kau tak ada yang lain
Janji pada lautan
Kan ku lakukan semua untukmu
Sumpah lewat bulan bintang
Tanpamu hidupku tiada arti
Tantanganku katakan ini
Sepenuh hati padamu ku sungguh cinta
Ow… aha…
Sungguh cinta…
Ouw… yei yei…
Sungguh cinta…
Bagi yang mau download lagunya klik : Candy - Sungguh Cinta

"Mitos"?? Beneran Gak Sih??

Mitos atau mite(myth) adalah cerita prosa rakyat yang tokohnya para dewa atau makhluk setengah dewa yang terjadi di dunia lain pada masa lampau dan dianggap benar-benar terjadi oleh yang empunya cerita atau penganutnya. Mitos pada umumnya menceritakan tentang terjadinya alam semesta, dunia, bentuk khas binatang, bentuk topografi, petualangan para dewa, kisah percintaan mereka dan sebagainya.Mitos itu sendiri, ada yang berasal dari indonesia dan ada juga yang berasal dari luar negeri.
Mitos yang berasal dari luar negeri pada umumnya telah mengalami perubahan dan pengolahan lebih lanjut, sehingga tidak terasa asing lagi yang disebabkan oleh proses adaptasi karena perubahan jaman. Menurut Moens-Zoeb, orang jawa bukan saja telah mengambil mitos-mitos dari India, melainkan juga telah mengadopsi dewa-dewa Hindu sebagai dewa Jawa. Bahkan orang Jawa pun percaya bahwa mitos-mitos tersebut terjadi di Jawa. Di Jawa Timur misalnya, Gunung Semeru dianggap oleh orang Hindu Jawa dan Bali sebagai gunung suci Mahameru atau sedikitnya sebagai Puncak Mahameru yang dipindahkan dari India ke Pulau Jawa.
Mitos di Indonesia biasanya menceritakan tentang terjadinya alam semesta, terjadinya susunan para dewa, terjadinya manusia pertama, dunia dewata, dan terjadinya makanan pokok. Mengenai mite terjadinya padi, dikenal adanya Dewi Sri yang dianggap sebagai dewi padi orang Jawa. Menurut versi Jawa Timur, Dewi Sri adalah putri raja Purwacarita. Ia mempunyai seorang saudara laki-laki yang bernama Sadana. Pada suatu hari selagi tidur, Sri dan Sadana disihir oleh ibu tirinya dan Sadana diubah menjadi seekor burung layang-layang sedangkan Sri diubah menjadi ular sawah.
Mitologi tentang tokoh-tokoh rakyat di seluruh dunia, seperti cerita Oedipus, Theseus, Romulus, dan Nyikang mengandung unsur-unsur seperti, ibunya seorang perawan;ayahnya seorang raja;terjadi proses perkawinan yang tidak wajar dan lain-lain.

Humor Lucu Banget, Tapi Agak Sedikit Jorok Sihh.. ^_^

Barang Yang Bisa Di Emut
Suatu hari di suatu ruang kelas TK, seorang ibu guru sedang memberi pertanyaan kepada para muridnya.
"Anak-anak, coba sebutkan benda apa yang bisa diemut?"
"Permen, bu...", jawab Tino.
"Jempol tangan bu....", jawab Sri.
"Coklat bu...", jawab Vera.
"Sarung bu...", teriak Paijo bersemangat.
Merasa heran atas jawaban Paijo, ibu guru bertanya kepada Paijo, "Mengapa kamu bilang sarung bisa diemut?".
"Soalnya kemarin malam saya dengar ibu saya ngomong sama ayah saya, sini lepas sarungnya biar saya emut mas..."
Ibu guru hanya tersenyum saja...
Gajah Telepon
Pada suatu malam sepasang pengantin baru sedang berbincang di kamar setelah seharian duduk di kursi pengantin.
Suami : Ma, aku baru tau lho kalau punya Mama itu ternyata bagus... ada lubangnya kayak telpon umum.
Isteri : Punya Papa juga bagus... kaya gajah ada belalainya.
Tak lama kemudian sang suami berbisik kepada istri tercintanya, "Ma... Gajahnya kelihatannya lagi pengen telpon nich..."
Waria ku Sayang
Ada sepasang suami istri yang sangat berbahagia, sedang membersihkan lemari pakaian sambil berbincang.
Suami : Yaaang... di lemari kulihat sebuah foto lelaki tampan, itu foto siapa?
Istri : Yang mana sayaaang...!
Suami : Ini foto adik kamu?
Istri : Bukan sayaaang...!
Suami : Ini foto kakak kamu?
Istri : Bukan sayaaang...!
Suami : Ini foto ayah kamu?
Istri : Bukan sayaaang...!
Suami : Lalu ini selingkuhanmu ya? (dgn nada kesal)
Istri : Bukan sayaaang, kok kamu jadi marah gitu sih... Itu foto aku sebelum menikah dengan kamu.....

Kamis, Januari 15, 2009

Lineage 2 - Pretty, Bloody, Vacant

Lineage 2 is famous in gaming circles, and for all the wrong reasons. The impression on its launch was that it really had turned out to be online anarchy, and it's still used as an example of pretty much everything that can go wrong with a game launch four years later, from terminal crashes to insecure servers. But four years and three expansions later, Lineage 2 is an online RPG that's changed almost beyond recognition.

AO carves its own niche in the MMORPG market simply by not being a fantasy game. As a science-fiction RPG, its only real niche competition is franchise games like Star Wars Galaxies, and EVE Online. Yet Lineage 2 has its own distinct feel - over time it's built its own universe, and just that makes it feel immersive. There's a lot of work in back-story, and while you can play as if there was no plot, you'll enjoy it more if you have a better grasp of what's going on.

Lineage 2 is, obviously, the sequel to the original Lineage MMORPG, a game that was hugely popular in Asia, but never quite cracked the Western market. The sequel has made the breakthrough into the American online RPG market, thanks largely to some astonishing graphics that make for a stunning first impression, but pushing past that, Lineage 2 is very much a niche game.

L2 is a classic fantasy RPG. You choose between five races; human, orc, dwarf, elf, and dark elf. They're all much as you'd expect; the ears are pointy and the women are well-defended from opponents who aim for the nipples. There are two initial choices of profession, fighter or mage, except if you're a dwarf. As a trade-off for being the only class who can craft, dwarves can only be fighters. The character models really are lovely, easily on a par with World of Warcraft. This is lucky, because customisation is so limited it's practically non-existent. You'll be looking to armour up just so you can tell which one is you.

And that's going to be a problem in itself, because the economy in Lineage 2 is insane. Even the most basic items are hugely over-priced when compared with the size of the monster drops. There's a crafting system and a player market, but when components are so expensive, players simply can't push the market price down. Speaking of the player market, it's run by sellers physically going into towns and sitting on the ground, with a little sign over their head saying what they're selling. Given the way the female characters have to sit in their tiny little skirts, you'd be forgiven for misunderstanding what was for sale.

Levelling is slow, and comes down to grinding, yet everything is so expensive you'll still end up farming monsters for cash. The monster models are excellent, but the AI isn't great (at lower levels monsters simply stand there doing nothing until you start hitting them) and combat is pretty much 'auto attack', so grinding is a real chore. There's a quest system in place, but quests are level-based, so even if that's the path you want to take, you're still going to have to grind.

While character and monster models are stunning, they show up the lack of work that's been put into the backgrounds. Better that than the other way around, but still, the lack of any decent textures stands out, and in some places you can see seams, black lines, big triangles...

Sound is excellent. The game comes with 171 .ogg files, and it shows, beautiful orchestrations running quietly in the background, providing atmosphere without ever really forcing their presence on you.

If you don't like PvP, you should stay well away from L2. Player killing is rampant, and in fact sometimes the journey from the training area to the nearest town is like a game of homicidal bullrush, there are so many high-level characters hanging around griefing. There's a karma system in place which brands characters Neutral, Aggressive, or Chaotic, and Chaotics are more likely to drop items when killed, can't use the market, and are attacked on sight by town guards. You work off karma by killing monsters though, and you're going to be doing a lot of that anyway.
What Lineage 2 is really well set-up for is inter-guild combat. They have huge battles to control castles, and the winning guild gets to impose taxes, make special items, and train dragons, for as long as they can hold it.

L2 also looks to be content-rich for some time. The first of a planned twelve expansions or chronicles is out, adding new regions to an already huge map and introducing the castle sieges as well as making minor tweaks to functionality. At least you won't run out of new places to kill things in the near future.

Basically, Lineage 2 is a great game for players who like PvP and guild combat. Joining a guild is expensive, though, so even if that's really your thing, you're still going to have to endure some grinding. This game has chosen to move right away from the trend of viewing things like griefing and farming as problems and made them almost essential.

Rabu, Januari 14, 2009

The "Monster" Nokia N97

Nokia today unveiled the Nokia N97, the world's most advanced mobile computer, which will transform the way people connect to the Internet and to each other. Designed for the needs of Internet-savvy consumers, the Nokia N97 combines a large 3.5" touch display with a full QWERTY keyboard, providing an 'always open' window to favorite social networking sites and Internet destinations. Nokia's flagship Nseries device introduces leading technology - including multiple sensors, memory, processing power and connection speeds - for people to create a personal Internet and share their 'social location.'

Sensing your 'So-Lo'
The Nokia N97 introduces the concept of 'social location'. With integrated A-GPS sensors and an electronic compass, the Nokia N97 mobile computer intuitively understands where it is. The Nokia N97 makes it easy to update social networks automatically with real-time information, giving approved friends the ability to update their 'status' and share their 'social location' as well as related pictures or videos.

Widescreen - Internet and entertainment
The home screen of the Nokia N97 mobile computer features the people, content and media that matter the most. Friends, social networks and news are available by simply touching the home screen. The 16:9 widescreen display can be fully personalized with frequently updated widgets of favorite web services and social networking sites. The Nokia N97 is also perfectly suited for browsing the web, streaming Flash videos or playing games. Both the physical QWERTY and virtual touch input ensure efficiency in blogging, chatting, posting, sending texts or emailing.
The Nokia N97 supports up to 48 GB of storage, including 32 GB of on-board memory, expandable with a 16 GB microSD card for music, media and more. This is complemented by excellent music capabilities, full support for the Nokia Music Store and continuous playback time of up to 1.5 days. The Nokia N97 also has a 5-Megapixel camera with high-quality Carl Zeiss optics, 16:9 and DVD quality video capture, and support for services like Share on Ovi for immediate sharing over HSDPA and WLAN.

Free Download Mp3

New Indo Mp3 :

  1. Bunga Citra Lestari - Pernah Muda
  2. Dewi Lestari - Malaikat Juga Tahu
  3. Rio Febrian - Aku Bertahan
  4. Duo Derby - Gelora Asmara
  5. Irwansyah - Camelia
  6. Ecoutez - Are You Really The One
  7. Nindy - Buktikan
  8. Dewa - Perempuan Paling Cantik Di Negeri ku Indonesia
  9. Sindentosca - Kepompong
  10. BBB - Putus Nyambung
Enjoy, ^(00)^

Finally, Soul Eater Episode 39 OUT!!

Title: "Crona's Escape: Your Smile, Please?"

Crona is visited by Eruka again, telling Crona to return to Medousa. Meanwhile, Arachne visits Asura alone in the mountains to ask for an alliance against Shibusen. Death Scythe brings Soul and Maka to Crona's room, showing them that Crona is gone, which causes Maka to look everywhere for Crona. Crona is outside of Shibusen walking in the desert sand and falls into a hole and sits there. Back at Arachnophobia, Asura has allied with Arachne. Maka and Soul find Crona in the hole and Crona cries, confessing about putting Medousa's snake in Marie's tea. Shinigami discusses with Death Scythe and Maka about Crona's betrayal when Sid suddenly announces that Medousa has come to Shibusen to surrender.

Download -> Soul Eater Eps 39 HD

Soul Eater by Square Enix

Soul Eater is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atsushi Okubo.[1] The series follows the adventures of three students at a school called Shibusen known as meisters, who use demon weapon companions with human and weapon forms. These meisters, Maka Albarn, Black Star, and Death The Kid, seek to turn their weapons, Soul Eater, Tsubaki, and Liz and Patti respectively, into "death scythes" for Shinigami, the head of Shibusen, by having their weapons consume the souls of ninety-nine evil humans and one witch.[2]

The manga initially began as three separate one-shots serialized between June 24, 2003 and November 26, 2003 in two manga magazines published by Square Enix. The first one-shot was published in the summer 2003 special edition of Gangan Powered,[3] the second one-shot followed in the autumn 2003 special edition of the same magazine, and the third-one shot was serialized in Gangan Wing. The manga started regular serialization in Square Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan magazine on May 12, 2004. The first tankōbon was released by Square Enix under their Gangan Comics imprint on June 22, 2004 in Japan; as of October 22, 2008, thirteen volumes have been released.[4] The series is published in English by Yen Press, and is serialized in Yen Press' Yen Plus manga anthology magazine. The first issue of Yen Plus was released on July 29, 2008.[5] An anime adaptation of the manga, produced by Bones and Aniplex, began airing on TV Tokyo on April 7, 2008.[6]

Bedtime Stories, 2008 American family-fantasy-comedy film

Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is a hotel handyman who is promised as a child by his father Marty (Jonathan Pryce) to be the owner of the family hotel after it is bought by chain Nottingham Hotels. 25 years later, Mr. Nottingham plans to build a new hotel and appoints another man to become the owner. Skeeter's sister (Courtney Cox) asks him to watch her kids because where she works: a school is being closed and she is looking for a job in AZ. The first night, Skeeter tells a bedtime story taking place in medieval times, with some additions from her kids and it comes true. Mr. Nottingham gives Skeeter a shot at the manager when he says his new hotel theme was taken by Hard Rock Hotel and on his way home it rains gumballs, all from the story. The next night, at the hotel, he tells another story set in the Old West, and when he waits for it to come true, a man steals his wallet, he saves Mr. Nottingham's daughter, Violet (Teresa Palmer), from the paparazzi and gets kicked by a dwarf. The the next night, out on a campfire, he tells them about a Greek stunt man, and he ends up falling for his sister's friend and fellow colleague Jill (Keri Russell) and it rains, with Abe Lincoln being a penny. The last night, he tells them about a space fight, and the next night, he wins the gig of manager, learns that the closing school is where the new Nottingham Hotel is, and gets fired for extinguishing the cake. With help from his conscience, he gets the hotel moved to Santa Monica, and then with Jill is able to end the demolition, saving the school and his nephew and niece. He marries Jill and founds a hotel named after his late father, with his competition being the hotel handyguys, Mr. Nottingham gets over his germophobia and becomes the school nurse, and his sister gets her job back.

City Of Ember, New Movie in 2009

The movie introduction explains that the City of Ember is a fully-contained city built to house a human community for 200 years as a shelter from an unspecified disaster. Having long since passed the 200-year mark, Ember's food supplies are becoming depleted and blackouts are increasingly frequent and longer-lasting, as the hydroelectric generator that powers the city has deteriorated. Much of the knowledge and technology from the city's near-mythic Builders and earlier generations has been lost.

Two 12-year-olds, Lina Mayfleet (Saoirse Ronan) and Doon Harrow (Harry Treadaway), who live in the City of Ember are graduating from school. They begin their assigned jobs with Lina as one of the messengers who deliver communications around the city following the collapse of the telephone system. Doon is a technician in the Pipeworks of the hydroelectric generator. Lina witnesses the city's decay as she relays messages, and Doon learns that the Pipeworks are held together with increasing amounts of patchwork. Nobody knows in detail how any of the city's systems work. After a major malfunction of the generator during the city's annual celebration, Lina and Doon conclude that Ember is in danger of imminent collapse. With the city's adult population either largely ignorant of their plight or cowed by the corrupt Mayor Cole (Bill Murray), Lina and Doon search for the clues left by the Builders showing the citizens of Ember how to save themselves.

The mayor, understanding the gravity of the city's situation, has been stockpiling food in a secret bunker to guarantee his own survival. He suspects that Lina, a descendant of an earlier mayor who died in office, and Doon may be in possession of lost secrets about Ember and orders them arrested. The pair escapes and begins their egress from the city with instructions left by the Builders. They discover a means of evacuation from the city and receive unexpected assistance from Doon's elderly mentor from the pipe works (Martin Landau). Initially they despair at the enveloping darkness described in Ember's folklore when they emerge from their journey, but when the sun rises they discover that light has returned to the skies and the planet has recovered. They also see the lights of Ember deep below the surface and realize they had lived in an underground city. Lina and Doon drop a message tied to a rock through a crevasse down to Ember telling the other citizens how to leave the city, where it is found by Loris Harrow, Doon's father and one of the few adults cognizant of the city's plight.

Yes Man, a Comedian Film by Jim Carrey

Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) is a divorced middle-aged man in Los Angeles who spends his days working as a junior loan approval officer in a bank, supervised by his immature manager Norman (Rhys Darby). Routinely declining social engagements so as to avoid meeting his ex-wife Stephanie (Molly Sims) withher new boyfriend, he has grown used to spending his evenings watching DVDs alone in his apartment while ignoring his friends' phone calls. But after he disappoints his best friend Pete by forgetting about his engagement party, his friend Nick (John Michael Higgins) persuades him that he needs to start living again. Nick takes Carl to a motivational seminar called "Yes!" where Carl is publicly accosted by inspirational guru Terrence Bundley (Terence Stamp). Browbeaten into making a covenant with himself, Carl promises to stop being a "No Man" and to answer "Yes!" to every opportunity, request, or invitation that presents itself thereafter.

After the seminar, a homeless man asks Carl for a ride to Elysian Park. Although Carl's instinct is to say no, Nick intervenes, reminding Carl that the proper answer is yes. During the drive, the homeless man asks to borrow Carl's cell phone (Carl again agrees) and wears out the battery making calls. When they reach their destination, the man asks for the cash in Carl's wallet (which Carl reluctantly gives), but then Carl discovers that his car has run out of fuel. With his phone battery dead, he hikes to a gas station several miles away, where he meets Allison (Zooey Deschanel). She takes pity on him and gives him a hair-raising scooter ride back to his car. Emboldened by her spontaneity and by a newfound sense of possibility, Carl impulsively kisses Allison, and believes that his life has changed for the better.

After this positive start, Carl continues saying "yes." After he wins a promotion at the bank for agreeing to work on a Saturday, he goes out to celebrate with his friends, gets very drunk, impetuously kisses a girl, and becomes involved in a comic fistfight with her boyfriend (he luckily escapes injury). But when he agrees to erect some shelving for his elderly neighbor Tillie (Fionnula Flanagan), and she proposes to reward him sexually, Carl is horrified. He declines and attempts to leave her apartment—but he gets his shirt stuck in the door, falls down the stairs after freeing himself, and almost gets mauled by a guard dog. Terrified that he has broken the "Yes!" covenant, Carl returns to his neighbor's apartment, where he allows her to perform oral sex on him.

After this brush with his old "No Man" self, Carl now commits himself to taking absolutely every opportunity that comes his way—he begins flying lessons, attends Korean language classes, learns to play the guitar, and even says yes when he receives spam from a Persian dating website. As before, saying yes works to Carl's advantage. When he accepts concert tickets from a promoter whom he has previously ignored, he sees a band whose lead singer turns out to be Allison. Although the band is dreadful and the audience tiny, Carl is again charmed by Allison's spontaneity and idiosyncrasy. She invites him to the unconventional class that she teaches in the park in the mornings, which combines photography with jogging, and the two begin dating.

At work, Carl has been approving every loan application that crosses his desk, but this seemingly reckless approach to lending wins him a promotion to executive after it opens new territory for the bank in the area of microcredit. He even agrees to attend one of Norman's costume parties, where everyone comes dressed as Harry Potter characters (Carl and Allison dress as Harry Potter and Hermione Granger). Carl's newfound talents also prove fruitful when it comes to saving a man (Luis Guzman) from committing suicide: as the man stands on a ledge outside a tall building, Carl picks up a guitar and plays Third Eye Blind's song "Jumper" to persuade the man to return inside.

As their relationship blossoms, Carl and Allison meet at the airport for a spontaneous weekend away. Having decided to take the first plane out of town, they end up in Lincoln, Nebraska, where they explore the Frank H. Woods Telephone Museum, attend a college football game, and go skeet shooting. As they shelter from the rain in a barn before their departure, Allison asks Carl to move in with her. He hesitates, but says yes anyway. But while checking in for the return flight, Carl is detained by FBI agents, who have profiled him as potential terrorist because he has taken flying lessons, studied Korean, approved a loan to start a fertilizer company, been married for six months three years previously, and bought plane tickets at the last minute.

Carl calls his best friend Pete, a lawyer, who travels to Nebraska to explain that Carl is not a terrorist—his odd potpourri of habits, lessons, and decisions stem from his commitment to saying yes to everything. At this point, Allison finds out about Carl's motivational covenant, and begins to doubt whether his commitment to her was ever sincere. She also finds out about Carl's marriage and divorce, which he had not mentioned to her previously. Deciding that she can no longer trust a man who is obliged to say yes to everything, regardless of his true feelings, Allison leaves Carl at the airport. Carl repeatedly tries to contact her, but to no avail.

In a vain effort to speak with Allison, Carl attends another of her band's concerts, where she indirectly tells him to jump off a bridge. In response, Carl signs up to do a bungee jump. While dangling from the bridge after the jump, he receives a phone call from the bank's vice president, saying that he must fire his old boss Norman. He tries to keep a positive mindset—he goes through with the bridal shower he has agreed to organize for Pete's fiancée, and even setting Norman up with Soo-Mi (Vivian Bang), a Korean wedding planner whom he met when planning the shower.

While he is broken up with Allison, Carl gets a tearful phone call from his ex-wife Stephanie, whose boyfriend has walked out on her. Carl goes to Stephanie's apartment to comfort her, but she kisses him passionately and asks whether they can get back together. After Carl emphatically says no, his luck takes a turn for the worse: The elevator in which he tries to leave Stephanie's building almost snaps free of its cable, a black cat crosses his path, and his car gets clamped and towed. He has a momentary hallucination in which the tow-truck operator metamorphoses into himself, and starts to chant "No Man, No Man, No Man."

In desperation, Carl decides to track down Terrence Bundley so that he can be released from the "Yes!" covenant. After lying in wait for Bundley in the backseat of his convertible, Carl emerges after the car pulls off, and tries to plead with the guru. However, Bundley is so shocked that he drives through an intersection without stopping, and collides with an oncoming vehicle. Carl awakes some hours later in the hospital, only for an irate Bundley to tell him that there really wasn't any covenant, and that he wasn't supposed to take saying yes so literally. The point of the covenant was only to open Carl's mind to other possibilities, not to take away his ability to say no when he needed to. Freed from this restraint, Carl borrows a Ducati motorcycle from a male nurse who bought it with one of Carl's loans. He rides the motorcycle to Allison's morning class, wearing nothing but a hospital gown. He apologizes, admits that he does not want to move in with her just yet, but tells her that he genuinely loves and wants her—and has been with her not just because he is compelled to say yes. The couple kiss passionately while the amateur photographers capture the moment.

At the end of the movie, Carl and Allison make a rather large donation of clothes to a local homeless shelter. Cutting to the scene of the Yes! seminar, Bundley is surprised when he walks on stage to several hundred naked audience members. It is implied that the participants have said Yes! to donating their clothes to charity.

In a scene during the credits Carl and Allison try on a new body skating outfit designed by a man he had previously denied a loan early in the film. They zip down a large hill at high speeds laughing all the way.